Change Your Life
Author: Marisa Byrnes.
Only you can make a small change or changes in your life which will make all the difference.
If something is not working for you, if you are not happy with your current circumstance, your job, your work performance, your sporting performance or any other circumstance which matters to you then remember the above.
You can change that circumstance, you can bring happiness to that circumstance, and you can improve your performance in whatever field such as work, sporting or whatever only you can do this.
We sometimes get so bogged down in trying to make something work that we are blind to the obvious solution! CHANGE.
The smallest of changes in approach can make a massive difference across all aspects of life.
If you are looking for a job; in a job but you’re not happy; in a sporting area but not performing then take a step back, take a complete breather. That CHANGE of approach is in front of you but because you have become so obsessed and in turn frustrated you cannot see it.
Take that absolutely necessary step away. That vital breather! Stop blaming yourself and maybe others. That doesn’t help.
Once you have stepped away then talk to someone. Talk to someone who can help you see the thing or things you need to do to change your approach and go at it in a different way.
Talk to someone who will first and foremost listen and have the mind set to look at your circumstance with an open mind.
Talk to someone who will be honest and who will not be afraid to give you direct, constructive advice.
It is amazing how getting another view point can blow your mind open, and make the obvious visible once again.
Once it is visible and once you have lifted the cloud that has swept your confidence, self-belief and worth away then you are ready to make the change or changes which will lead you to your next and most important phase to date in your life.
The Future People team in Cashel offer people struggling with getting a new job or kick starting a career in whatever field be it professional or sporting a one to one mentor program.
We have mentored hundreds of people across all aspects or work and sporting life for many years. We have empowered and enabled people to realise their potential and brilliance over and over again. We have given people the confidence to make that all important CHANGE in approach which has in turn opened new chapters in lives right across the country.
If you want to make that CHANGE and you want to open that new life changing chapter then the Future People mentors can help you do so.